We have been having lots of friends and family asking lately what is happening with our adoption so I thought it was time for an update. I wish I was better at posting on a regular basis....but...well I am just not. In the last 3 months we have completed the part time job of home study paperwork, the kids ended a great school year, and both my brothers got married. It has been a busy 3 months! When our sweet social worker told us the home study process took 2-4 months, I thought she was crazy!! I thought, no way will it take that long just to do paperwork. She was not kidding! I will say that the paper chase is not always fun, but China Baby (what we have been calling her!) is so worth it. I am happy to say that tomorrow is our first home study visit!! Things are moving along nicely. We are excited and a little bit nervous about the home study. Just praying the kids will be on their best behavior for their parts of the interviews!! The home study should be completed by the end of July, then we have another round of paperwork, 8-12 weeks wait time for immigration and the completion of our dossier. Our file then gets sent to China and we prayerfully wait for a match! The China team is saying about a 6-12 month wait, we are of course praying for as quick as possible. So that's the process as far as we know. We are excited, nervous, and can't wait to go to China to get our baby! Thanks for reading and caring!
Jason, Dawn, Dawson, Jayden, and Hallie
Dawn and Jason, we are THRILLED for you!! Keep us posted. Lord willing, some day we will be making this same type of journey...to adopt internationally. We love you guys and pray Godspeed to all the next months will entail. Hugs from all the Buntings to all the Henricks!